Comprehensive educational management: Educational management goes beyond mere administration, which in many cases has been limited to school management. At our school, Le Monde School, educational management is conceived in an integral way, considering various dimensions that are intertwined around our mission. These dimensions are pedagogical-curricular, organizational-operational, administrative-financial, and community.

Pedagogical-curricular dimension: This dimension is the heart of our institution, defining the essential functions of Le Monde School. It includes everything from determining the great educational-methodological options for our school community to analysis, planning, evaluation and certification strategies based on own or national study programs. It also includes the development of innovative pedagogical practices, student activities and their learning processes. Likewise, we are committed to the updating and continuous professional development of our teachers.

Organizational-operational dimension: Here the organization of the school structures, the instances and the responsibilities of the different actors of the school are addressed in accordance with the current regulations of the Ministry of Education, the Provincial of Education Cordillera, the Illustrious Municipality of La Florida, Junaeb, among others. Efficiency in this dimension is essential to guarantee the optimal functioning of our institution.

Administrative-financial dimension: The adequate management of economic, human and temporary resources is a fundamental part for the proper development of Le Monde School. This dimension implies close coordination with the holder to ensure the responsible and transparent use of resources. In addition, in this area the rules that govern coexistence within the school community are established, from the internal regulations for order, hygiene and safety to the daily practices that identify us as a united and harmonious community.

Community dimension: The school plays an active role in its environment, establishing solid relationships with families, neighbors, community organizations and other institutions or support networks, such as Conace, Demre, etc. We provide advice to the EGA, as well as to the Student Center, promoting active and collaborative participation in the educational community.

School Head
Miss Ana María Leal Ramírez

General Coordinator – General Inspector Media Cycle
Miss Lila Aguilar Aspeé

Basic Cycle General Inspector
Miss María Eugenia Tapia

Academic Advisor - English Area Coordinator
Miss Denisse Illanes Ruiz

Academic Coordinator
Miss Gabriela Acevedo

In charge of School Coexistence Elementary Education
Mister Juan Abarza González

In charge of School Coexistence Secondary Education
Mister Alan González Carrión

Head of Technical Pedagogical Unit
Miss Denisse Illanes Ruiz